Florida Association of Realtors 2017

Milos Bejda
3 min readAug 17, 2017


I normally don’t write about real estate, but since I had the opportunity to attend a RealEstate conference as a curious technologist representing ListingPowerTools I decided to write down a thought or two describing my experience.

Florida is a hotspot for real estate conferences. One of those conferences is called Florida Association of Realtors or FAR for short. FAR is a regional real estate conference that gives product and service vendors the opportunity to showcase their offering. The conference itself attracts a diverse array of professionals that are involved in the Real Estate industry. The type of professionals that come to this conference range from Realtors to real estate brokers to financial mortgage brokers to real estate technology developers.

Day 1 of F.A.R

I attended a motivational session between marketing guru Robert Palmer and Alexander Rodriquez (A-Rod). They underscored the parallels between sports and entrepreneurship. An interesting take away from that session was Alexanders viewpoint towards investing in sports athletes. He mentioned he would not invest into professional athletes because of the high risk that would be involved. According to him, sports athletes make 90% of their income between 20–30 years of age. After 30, they need to find new streams of revenue. Unfortunately, many of them lack certain skills to do just that and that is why they end up broke without money.

Day 2 of F.A.R

The second day of the conference was the prime time of the event. The conference was filled with attendees traversing from one vendor to another. The vendors were actively engaging with the attendees. One vendor that stood out was located all the way in the back of the conference room. They offered emoji cookies that could be used as a closing gift or even as a gift to show appreciation. Cool right? Those cookies were round with yellow frosting and had a simple appearance of an emoji. I tried one and it was a great tasting emoji cookie.

Day 3 of F.A.R

The third day of the conference was pretty easy. The crowd started to calm down and the event was coming to an end. It was time for me to unwind from all the action and just hang out and connect with the realtors. Overall, I have to say my experience of the event has been a 10 out of 10. I can’t wait till next years FAR event.



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